2nd Tirana Pride to take place in June 11th 2015
- Jan 26, 2015
- Ambasada Pink
26 January 2015 – PINK Embassy / LGBT Pro, Human Rights House in Albania and Open Mind Spectrum Albania, the organizing group of Tirana Pride, agreed today that the 2nd Tirana Pride will be held in June 11th.
Meanwhile it has been agreed that on May 17th, the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia different awareness events will take place such as the “Diversity Fair”, open lectures, exhibitions, seminars etc.
Tirana Pride 2015 will be a day of solidarity with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people who because of the historical discrimination encounter many difficulties in their lives. While in the last several years our country has made great legal and social progress towards the acceptance of sexual and gender diversity, the low visibility of LGBT people remains an obstacle to their acceptance in Albanian society.
We think that an increased visibility of the LGBT cause brings about a strengthened democracy, respect for dignity and human rights and a social emancipation. We believe that freedom of expression and assembly is a legitimate right of every citizen and that the negative effects of liberalisation and democracy should not serve as a motivation to attack a minority in the name of a collective norm which does not reflect today’s social reality.
The Pride March is not only a matter of pride. It has to do with the right to live freely, to conquer the feelings of shame and guilt and the wrong perception that by being LGBT we are not worthy of our families, society and life.
The organizing team of Tirana Pride 2015 invites all national and international organizations, institutions and activists to join us to say no to discrimination, exclusion and hatred and to say yet to love, respect and dignity.