Title of the initiative: “Fighting homophobic and transphobic bullying in Albanian schools”.
Aim of the initiative: The main goal of the initiative is to increase the awareness of education institutions and the community of students and parents about the importance of safe environments free of violence, bullying, and homophobic bullying and to assess the level of homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination in school environments in Tirana, Durres, Elbasan and Shkodra.
Specific objectives:
- Assess the level of homophobic and transphobic discrimination in Albanian schools;
- Raise awareness on homophobic and transphobic discrimination, and provide adequate assistance to Albanian students and schools;
- Motivate the Albanian government to advance the LGBTI cause in the country and integrate it in its reforming programs.
Institutions implementing the initiative:
PINK Embassy / LGBT Pro in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Sports.
Target groups aimed by the initiative:
- Academic staff and students of educational institutions;
- Psychologists and schools social workers;
- Students of the Faculty of Humanities;
- Local organizations;
- Local media;
- Adolescents;
- Local LGBTI community
Expected Results:
- Collaboration agreement or MoU with the Ministry of Education and Sports;
- Survey on the perception of discrimination in 12 schools in the cities of Tirana, Durres, Elbasan, Shkodra;
- Information brochure on discrimination and homophobic bullying distributed in all targeted schools;
- Facebook Page in support of academic staff and students of educational institutions all over the country. This site will be connected to the Pink Embassy official website which will serve as an information platform for LGBTI community, young people, parents, teachers and social workers addressing bullying, including homophobic and transphobic bullying.
Main activities:
- Implementation of a qualitative survey on perceptions of school staff on LGBTI issues, discrimination and equal treatment in 4 cities;
- Training and seminars with teachers, psychologists and schools social workers on LGBTI concepts, discrimination, bullying, Law on Protection from Discrimination, equal treatment, health issues related to LGBTI persons, etc in 4 cities;
- Working conference in collaboration with Ministry of Education and Sports, central and local actors to present the findings of the study as well as the initiative;
- Publication of study on perceptions of school staff on LGBTI issues, discrimination and equal treatment;
- Open hours with students of Faculty of Human Sciences in the cities of Tirana, Durres, Elbasan, Shkodra;
- Empowerment and support of PINK youth group on issues related to the LGBTI community, discrimination and equal treatment.
For questions or information, please contact us:
PINK Embassy
Tel: +3554 2265741
Email: pinkembassy@crca.al